Support and Frequently Asked Questions

Having problems with the game? Sorry about that! Your question may have been asked before, so please check the information below to see if there is a quick solution.

Curses of Tarot (Steam/PC version)

The latest version of the PC game has no known issues. If you are having problems, please be sure that you are running the most recent version of the game in Steam. Verify that you have automatic updates enabled by clicking the "Manage" button (looks like a gear icon) on the game's Steam page, then selecting "Properties" and "Updates":

Curses of Tarot (App Store/mobile version)

Question: This game looks fun, but I don't know how to play poker...
Answer: All you really need to know are the basic poker hands, which are listed in the "How To Play" section of the game. Or you could keep a "cheat sheet" near you for reference, like this one from Wikipedia.

Question: What are these cards I sometimes see with the "P" on them?
Answer: Those cards have a special rank called "Pages", and they fall between the 10 and the Jack. So, for example, if you wanted to use one to make a straight you could line up a match of 10-P-J. Otherwise they behave like any other normal card, and can be used in pairs, flushes, etc.

Question: I clicked on an in-app purchase but nothing seemed to happen. What should I do?
Answer: Depending on your network connection, it can sometimes take up to 30 seconds for a store purchase to finish processing. Please try waiting a bit to see if it completes.

Other Resources

Still having trouble?
Please email us:

For faster service, please include any relevant details you can,
including which version of the game you are playing.

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